Cats & Devilbats Preorder Store

Created by KeikiiART

Many cuties to accessorize your fashion! All attachment sets can be mixed and matched onto any bag!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We Did It!! What's Next?
about 1 year ago โ€“ Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 06:55:42 AM

Hello Everyone!

Thank you again so much to everyone for getting us fully funded! What's next?

BackerKit Surveys

What is a backerkit survey? These are surveys which will gather reward selections, shipping address and payment information from backers, as well as giving you an oppurtunity to get any add ons you want.

Our tenative date for Backerkit Surveys to drop is April 12th! Kickstarter itself takes up to 2 weeks to finish collecting and processing funds, and then we'll spend this time setting up the surveys + the preorder shop!

YOU MUST FILL OUT YOUR BACKERKIT SURVEY WHEN IT IS SENT OUT TO GET YOUR REWARDS. Like it said above, this is how we'll know what rewards you want as well as how we'll collect your shipping address + shipping funds. You will have roughly a month to fill out the survey, and then the funds for shipping & any add-ons you choose will be collected at the end of that month.

We have also decided to have the pre-order shop open for an additional month *after* the month of backerkit surveys- you will not need to do anything with this unless you want to! This will just be for people who missed our Kickstarter to use to pre-order the bags, but it will not be as discounted as the Kickstarter was. (No free pins or free attachment sets!)

Also- Let us know what else you'd like to see with these kitties! We're working on keychains, stickers, buttons, and a few other things for the backerkit to be available as pre-orders. Plush are not attainable for this backerkit...but maybe in the future... :eyesemoji:

If anyone has any questions, please let us know! In the meantime, we'll be setting up the backerkit surveys!

about 1 year ago โ€“ Sun, Mar 26, 2023 at 08:19:12 PM

Thank you so much everyone! We are fully funded with 35 hours left to go!

Once we hit $12k, the rest of the red attachment sets will unlock!

Letโ€™s get as many stretch goals funded as we can ๐Ÿฅฐ

2 Days!
about 1 year ago โ€“ Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 07:02:04 PM

Hi friends! Weโ€™re about to hit the last 48 hours and weโ€™re less than 8 bag pledges away from funding!

Just a reminder: when we hit 100% funded this will unlock the holo purple, holo green, AND red matte bags! These include B34N-B0T attachments + insert, Green & Purple Aliensโ€™ attachments + inserts, and the hellfire club tiefling attachment set + insert!

We will also be unlocking all 5 enamel pins at the base funding goal!

Flatwoods Monster / Braxxie will either unlock at $12k or weโ€™ll have him up for preorder on backerkit- either way you will be able to snag him for your red bag as well!

Please share with your friends as we can use all the help we can get for these last couple days!!

Also- if anyone is at Animarathon, I am here with the sample bags in person if you want to check them out!

Thanks so much everyone!

The Dawn of the last 4 days :P
about 1 year ago โ€“ Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 10:20:37 PM

Hi friends! I just wanted to drop in to remind everyone that Violet and I did decide to unlock the red bag at $10k alongside the holographic purple & holographic green!

Speaking of, I got in the new samples today! Iโ€™ll be posting videos on my tiktok tomorrow and if you are at Animarathon this weekend, I will have all of the itabag samples with me at table 55 in the artist alley!! ๐Ÿฑ

So enjoy this little photodump of new photos + fun graphics I made.

As always, let Violet & I know if you have ANY questions!

Also- donโ€™t forget to join the kitty naming contest on the last update!!

5 Days Left! + Naming Contest <3
about 1 year ago โ€“ Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 01:17:15 PM

Hello friends! Thank you so much for all the support so far!!

Today we wanted to offer a fun contest for our backers! Please suggest what names you think our other kitties should have, and each winner will get a $15 credit to the backerkit survey! To enter, just comment your entries here below! You don't have to enter a name for every kitty if you don't want to- that's fine! <3ย 

So obviously we have B34N-B0T, but Green Alien, Purple Alien, Black Cat, & Devilbat Cat still need names!ย 

Violet and I have been monitoring the pledges very closely and we believe we'll hit the goal before the end of the campaign! If you were thinking about adding anything to your pledge, please do so before the end of the campaign so we can unlock as much as possible!

That being said, I made some fun new graphics to help show off what you get if you decide to do the massive one of everything unlocked pledge tier!

If we hit $10k, which is our base goal, you'll receive everything in the above image if you pledge to the $465 one of everything tier! And the images below will show off which items will be added to this pledge tier as more things unlock.ย 

The below image is my somewhat poor attempt to put everything you get into one image if we hit $24k and everything gets unlocked :)

As always! Let me or Violet know if you have any questions or need any help. Thanks so much everyone!! Let's blast through the finish line!